Welcome to South Sminkerton County Court, the jewel in the crown of the British legal system. The courthouse offers a variety of public services through its innovative new computerised response service - marriage licenses, lien payments, name change requests - provided, of course, you can navigate the automated menu.
The Interests of Justice is a short visual novel where you try and get Britain to do anything (almost impossible challenge). Featuring full voice acting (by me (bad)), multiple endings, one music track, and writing undescribed by critics, this gripping tableaux of British public policy will captivate you for fully minutes of your day.
This game was made in a few days for the O2A2 jam, and so features one sprite (animated a bit), one music track, one sound effect, one voice actor, one static background, and fewer than one thousand words of dialogue.
The hologram/disappearing effect on the character is achieved through material blueprints and is done in-engine rather than on the sprites directly making it a "programming or scripting effect" under the rules, and if the government has a problem with that they can see me in court