The Becker Farm Tragedy follows the story of Parker, an undercover agent working as a pig farmer to solve the mystery of a missing orphan. The search leads to the Beckers, a powerful family responsible for organizing a sacred animal festival in the village. But when things take a turn for the strange, Parker realizes that he must do everything he can to survive and escape...

  Talk to the family members, investigate clues in the environment, and uncover the secret of the Becker farm.


  - Fully handdrawn characters, props and scenes

  - Choose your own story: your decisions affect which ending you get

  - An immersive thriller-horror experience

  ---------------Team Members---------------

  Art, Programming & Game Design: Yuki

  Story & Game Design: Leo Herrera

  ---------------Music & Sound---------------

  freesound, Internet Archive (please refer to the credit list inside the game)


  v0.2 released on 10 October 2021

  - still debugging, proofreading and under development

  - may update music and storyline

  v0.3 released on 10 October 2021

  - music, sound effects and ambience added

  - bug fix for day 4

  - added item descriptions

  - added new dialogue options when caught by Abraham


  This is a game submitted for $105 Adventure Game Challenge 2021, whose theme is "an escape".

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